Library Overview

The Facedancer library may be somewhat overwhelming at first but the modules can be broken down into a number of clearly delineated categories:

Core USB Device Model

These packages contain the functionality used to define devices and their organisation closely mirrors the hierarchical USB device model:

| USB Device                     |
|   - Device Descriptor          |
|   - Configuration Descriptor   |
|      - Interface Descriptor    |     +----------------------------------+
|         - Endpoint Descriptor  |     | Host                             |
|           - Request Handler    | --> |   - Function                     |
|         - Endpoint Descriptor  |     |                                  |
|           - Request Handler    | <-- |   - Function                     |
|   - Control Interface          |     |                                  |
|      - Request Handlers        | <-> |   - Enumeration, Status, Command |
+--------------------------------+     +----------------------------------+

(simplified diagram for didactic purposes, not drawn to scale)

In addition to the core device model there are also two modules containing support functionality:

Device Emulation Support

These modules contain a small selection of example USB device classes and device emulations.

USB Proxy

These modules contain the USB Proxy implementation.

Facedancer Board Backends

Contains backend implementations for the various supported Facedancer boards.

Supporting Functionality